Together, We Will Stamp Out Bullying!
Bullying takes place in the context of relationships. It is behaviour that can make people feel hurt, threatened, frightened and left out and it can happen face to face and online. Respect Me
Having attended the Anti-Bullying Youth Summit, the house captains launched our "Together, We Will Stamp Out Bullying" campaign at our most recent assembly.
The Youth Summit was an excellent oppportunity for the young people and adults to explore the numbers aand causes of bullying inceidents within our schools. One of the things shich cam our of the discussion was teh disparity between the number of bullying incidents recorded adn the actualy number the children have experienced. This was vastly different, 119 recorded compared to over 1400 actual incidents. As a result, our young people will be leading the cmapaign to find out why this is and what we can do about it.
One of the things which came out of our discussions were the fear surrounding reporting bullying icidents within school. To take the fear aspect out of reporting. We have created a QR code for adults and children to scan which opens an email to allow you to report incidences of bullying. These posters are located on the windows around the school, in the classrooms and in the school foyer.
We do not want ANY children to suffer in silence, each child should come to school feeling safe and be free from Bullying.
Bullying, A guide for parents Bullying… A guide for parents and carers - respectme